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What is H2O Hydrogen Torch?

H2O Hydrogen Torch is an application that allows novice and expert data scientists to build deep learning models for a large set of diverse problem types in computer vision, natural language, and audio. No coding is required.

H2O Hydrogen Torch enables you to generate good models with expertly default hyperparameter values that H2O Hydrogen Torch derives from model training best practices used by top Kaggle grandmasters. In addition, you can tune and experiment quickly on hyperparameter values to get the best state-of-the-art deep learning model. You can understand the impact of selected hyperparameter values on the training process through simple and interactive charts. In the UI, you can score new data using built models; built models can also be deployed quickly to external Python environments or directly to H2O MLOps.

H2O Hydrogen Torch optimizes and simplifies training deep learning neural networks by streamlining the training process.

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