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Experiment settings: Text sequence to sequence

Besides having certain common experiment settings with other problem types, the specific settings for a text sequence to sequence experiment are listed and described below.

Dataset Settings

Text Column

Defines the column name with the input text that H2O Hydrogen Torch will use during model training.

Tokenizer Settings


Grid search hyperparameter

Determines whether to transform to lower case the text that H2O Hydrogen Torch will observe during the experiment. This setting is turned Off by default.


When turned On, the observed text will always be lowercased before training and prediction. Tuning this setting can potentially lead to a higher accuracy value for certain types of datasets.

Max Length

Grid search hyperparameter

Defines the maximum length of the input sequence H2O Hydrogen Torch will use during model training. In other words, this setting specifies the maximum number of tokens an input text is transformed to for model training.


A higher token count will lead to higher memory usage that will slow down training while increasing the probability of obtaining a higher accuracy value.

Label Max Length

Defines the maximum length of the target text H2O Hydrogen Torch will use during model training.

Architecture Settings


Grid search hyperparameter

Defines the backbone neural network architecture to train the model.


H2O Hydrogen Torch provides several backbone state-of-the-art neural network architectures for model training. H2O Hydrogen Torch accepts backbone neural network architectures from the Hugging Face library (enter the architecture name).


Usually, it is good to use simpler architectures for quicker experiments and larger models when aiming for the highest accuracy.

Gradient Checkpointing

Determines whether H2O Hydrogen Torch will activate gradient-checkpointing (GC) when training the model, starting GC reduces the video random access memory (VRAM) footprint at the cost of a longer runtime (an additional forward pass). Turning On GC will enable it during the training process.


Gradient checkpointing is an experimental setting that is not compatible with all backbones. If a backbone is not supported, the experiment will fail, and H2O Hydrogen Torch will inform through the logs that the selected backbone is not compatible with gradient checkpointing. To learn about the backbone setting, see Backbone.


Activating GC comes at the cost of a longer training time; for that reason, try training without GC first and only activate when experiencing GPU out-of-memory (OOM) errors.

Custom Intermediate Dropout

Determines whether to enable a custom dropout rate for intermediate layers in the transformer model. When turned Off, H2O Hydrogen Torch will use the pre-trained backbone's usual 0.1 default dropout rate. See Intermediate Dropout to learn how to define a custom dropout rate.

Intermediate Dropout

Defines the custom dropout rate H2O Hydrogen Torch will use for intermediate layers in the transformer model.

Training Settings

A text sequence to sequence experiment does not have specific training settings besides those specified in the training settings section of the common experiment settings page.

Prediction Settings

Max Length

Defines the max length value H2O Hydrogen Torch will use for the generated text.


  • Similar to the Max Length setting in the Tokenizer Settings section, this setting specifies the maximum number of tokens to predict for a given prediction sample.

  • This setting impacts predictions and the evaluation metrics and should depend on the dataset and average output sequence length that is expected to be predicted.

Do Sample

Determines whether to sample from the next token distribution instead of choosing the token with the highest probability. If turned On, the next token in a predicted sequence is sampled based on the probabilities. If turned Off, the highest probability is always chosen.

Num Beams

Defines the number of beams to use for beam search. Num Beams default value is 1 (a single beam); no beam search.


A higher Num Beams value can increase prediction runtime while potentially improving accuracy.


Defines the temperature to use for sampling from the next token distribution during validation and inference. In other words, the defined temperature controls the randomness of predictions by scaling the logits before applying softmax. A higher temperature makes the distribution more random.


Environment Settings

A text sequence to sequence experiment does not have specific environment settings besides those specified in the environment settings section of the common experiment settings page.

Logging Settings

Number of Texts

This setting defines the number of texts to show in the experiment Insights tab.

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